Our Services
Small group discussions to strengthen the faith journey and biblical knowledge of those in attendance.
Gathers Sunday Mornings at 10:00AM in the Fellowship Hall.
Children are taught the liturgy of the church so they can be active participants in the church as they grow. They learn the primary Bible stories and the concepts that lead to discipleship and salvation. The children are nurtured in a loving, comfortable, and trust-building environment.
Children’s Church begins at the completion of the Children’s Sermon of the 11:00AM worship service
Children ages birth to 3 years of age are provided with a nurturing environment during the worship service. During this time, they will begin to build bonds with members of the church family which will establish a sense of belonging and safety.
Provides children with fellowship, crafts, physical activities, music, and more as they engage in learning about the Bible.
Worship services are held on Sundays at 11:00AM.
What questions do you have about God, church, Christianity, being human, and anything else that comes to mind?
Following Jesus is more about the questions than the answers.
Email ycbc@youngschapelbaptistchurch.org